Dana’s journey in the world of hunter/jumpers began in the vibrant equestrian community of Carlsbad, California, competing on the GSDHJA and USEF circuits. Her foundation is the result of guidance from various esteemed trainers such as Harley and Olivia Brown, Michelle Parker, and Patty Morton.
Following her college years at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Dana dedicating herself to training horses and riders to achieve their greatest potential along California’s scenic Central Coast. Presently, Dana primarily operates out of Coastal Equine Ranch, a short drive to both Cuesta College and Cal Poly.
Through her training program, Dana offers lessons to riders of all levels, starting with beginners up through the advanced levels of hunters, jumpers, and equitation. With a wide selection of lesson ponies and horses, the program puts an emphasizes the importance of horsemanship both in and out of the ring.
Within DAE, customized programs are built that cater to thee specific needs of each rider and horse, with an overarching aim to achieve success while prioritizing the health and wellness first. Creating a fun and safe learning environment is paramount in Dana’s philosophy, ensuring that every participant finds both enjoyment and accomplishment in their equestrian pursuits.